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Running the Race, living in Unity, and striving to Reach just one more.

Clinton Cumberland Presbyterian Church or CCPC is part of the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination. We live by our mission statement: Running the Race, living in Unity, and striving to Reach just one more.


Each section of our mission statement is Bible driven and is a reminder of what we are all about here at CCPC. Hebrews 12:1 reminds us to remove what hinders us in order to run the race put before us with perseverance. Psalm 133:1 reminds us to live in unity with one another. Matthew 28:19-20, also known as the "Great Commission" reminds us to keep trying to spread the gospel by reaching into the world.


We believe that the Bible is seen through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you would like to know more about the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination, check out our Confession of Faith here. Feel free to message us if you have any questions and we can't wait to have you join us!


Frequently Asked Questions ABOUT CPCC

What time is your service?

Our service starts at 10:30. ​​Sunday School starts at 9:30.


Where do I go when I arrive?

When you arrive, park at the parking spots labeled "guest". Then, enter through the front doors where you will be greeted. From here, you can enter the sanctuary directly in front of you to your right.


What can I expect at your service?

During our service, we have a traditional style worship service. We sing a mixture of hymns and worship songs. We have announcements, prayer requests, passing of the peace, and a message.


Where do I take my kids?

We have a nursery located toward the back of the church. A greeter will be more than happy to show you the way! 


What do I wear?

You are welcome to wear what you feel comfortable in. You will see various clothing such as dresses, suits, jeans, boots and T-shirts.


What do you have to offer for my kids?

We currently have a children's class and a youth class on Wednesday nights. We'd love to spend time with your kids and help them to grow in their faith! We also have a nursery for ages 0-4 on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.


Why choose CCPC?

CCPC is a church that feels like home. While traditional, we have members who make you feel at home when you walk through the doors. CCPC cares deeply about the community of Clinton and would be honored for you to worship with us this Sunday.


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